
Jesus is Head of Household

Do you filter your decisions through anything before you make a choice?

Verse of the Day

“But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:6

Today’s Devotional

Anybody out there tired of their own house?  Or maybe some of the people in their house?  Well…good news.  You have a new house.  

If Christ is the head of the house of God, and we ARE that house, then Jesus is in charge.  Of each and every one of us individually, as well as the collective whole.  This is not news, that Jesus is the “Head of household”.  But think for just a minute about the household in which you grew up.  There was likely one person who was the thermostat, while everyone else was a thermometer.  Think about that. One person likely set the temperature, or the tone, for everyone.  If that one person was mad, everyone else had to steer clear.  If that one person was happy, everyone could be happy.  But this verse tells me that Jesus is my thermostat.  Jesus sets the tone of my life, if I will allow it.  And His “temperature” is always set to love.

Think again about your childhood.  Did you ever go over to a friend’s house and that family did things completely differently than in your own home?  It can be a little disorienting and you don’t exactly know what is expected, right?  For me, that’s how it can be to be in the household of God sometimes.  I don’t always know how to act in each situation.  I don’t know which actions are the most loving in every situation.  But here’s what I do know.  I am called to HOLD FIRMLY to confidence and hope.  So even when I don’t know what the right action is in each situation, I am confident that if I pray for guidance and direction, the Holy Spirit will guide me.  I have hope that the more space I make for God in my life, the more in tune I will be to God’s direction.  I am confident that the more I can recognize my own selfishness, and the more willing I am to pray for the will of God in my life, the more joy, love and peace I will have.

Let me just be real for a moment.  Today started out really bad for me.  I woke up in a funk and really frustrated.  My quiet time felt rushed and stale (because it took me too long to get ready…because I was frustrated about stupid things).  My work was incredibly busy and tiring today.  But I prayed several times throughout the day that I would be kind, that I would be an instrument of God’s love.  And after I got home and was still a little grouchy, my family sent me to my room.  To “rest”.  Because they were tired of me.  Instead of taking a nap, I asked God to refresh me.  God’s answer to that prayer was that I make a few phone calls.  Tonight, as I sit here writing, I feel completely different.  My body is physically exhausted, and I wish it were time for bed.  But my spirit is refreshed.  I am honored to be a member of God’s house, with other members of God’s family, who love me even when I’m not at my best.  

As we are learning to seek discernment in our lives, it would be wise to filter our decisions through the lens of Jesus as our Head of household.  If Jesus were sitting here with you, which decisions would he point you toward?  Sometimes, just taking the time to think about our decisions through the lens of what Jesus would recommend might be enough to help us see the best path. 

I am confident that God’s answers are always in my best interests.  Even when I don’t like the answers.  I am SURE, down to the marrow of my bones, that Jesus is the best Head of household that exists.  I am humbled to be included in that house. 

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Tell Jesus how you feel about being a member of His family.  

What are you confident in today?  What are you hopeful about?

When you think about any decision you may be facing, how can you filter that decision through Jesus?

How can you behave today that demonstrates that Jesus is in charge of your life?

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