Jesus Helps Us to Know God
How can you get to know God better?
Verse of the Day
‘We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.’
Today’s Devotional
What does it take to understand something? For human pursuits, it takes intellectual learning, experiential knowledge, repeated exposure, learning from mistakes, asking for help, and practice.
For instance, when I was learning the Spanish language, it took years before I really understood the language to the point that I was fluent. Today, because I don’t use Spanish very much, my understanding has decreased back to a pretty basic level. I can get by, but I’m certainly no longer fluent. My brain has to work really hard to communicate in Spanish.
Looking at today’s verse, we learn that understanding God comes to us in a different way. It comes through Jesus. This is from enduringword.com: “Significantly, this understanding (of God) must be given. We cannot attain it on our own. If God did not reveal Himself to us, we would never find Him. We know Him, and can know Him, because He has revealed Himself to us. More than any other way, God has revealed Himself to us by Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the key and the focus of it all. We see the personality and character of God by looking at Jesus.”
We can get to know the truth of God because Jesus has allowed us to have access to God. We can get to know the character of God by looking at what Jesus did and said.
Today, we can look to Jesus and thank Him for helping us to discover the truth of God. We can read and study the words and deeds of Jesus to learn, know, and understand the heart of God.
God is truth. Jesus came to show us what that truth looks like in a way that we could understand. When I think about that, it’s pretty amazing.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How does Jesus help you understand God?
How does the life of Jesus teach you about truth?
How can you alter one thing today based on the example of Jesus?