
Inviting God to Lead

How can I make plans that include God?

Verse of the Day

‘Commit your way to the Lord ; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.’

Psalms 37:5-6

Today’s Devotional

How many times do you make plans and not ask God to participate?  I do it all the time.  For me, it comes from a lack of being intentional.  I just do whatever is in front of me, or whatever is on my list. I just do those things without ever really thinking about inviting God into those things.

Why do I do that?  For me, it’s because I forget how much I need God.  I get comfortable and confident in my own abilities, forgetting that those abilities exist because God blessed me with them. Or, I forget to invite God in because I am just trying to get things done. Maybe I will feel better about the world and my place in it if I can accomplish the things I need to do today. That makes me think of the hamster on the wheel. I may be moving, but I’m not really accomplishing my purpose, which is to live for the glory of God.

I try to remember every day, while I am having my morning time with God, to invite Him into my day. That way, no matter what the day brings, I have already invited God to direct me.  When I am making bigger, longer-range plans, I ask God to mold the desires of my heart to align with His will.  But let’s be clear, I am not perfect at doing this.  Sometimes life just gets the best of me.

Today’s verses are reminding me that my reward for inviting God to take the lead may not come in this life.  It might, but there is no guarantee of this.  When I read that my reward will shine like the dawn, it makes me think of heaven.  So, do I trust God enough to live this life for Him and remain aware that any reward may not come to me until I die?  Talk about delayed gratification.

Verses like this one have an underlying current (to me) that says, “How much do you really trust God?”  Hopefully, if I can learn to trust Him with today, then I can trust Him with tomorrow and with my eternity.  I can learn to trust that wherever He leads me is in my best interests.  I can learn to trust His timing with any and all outcomes, even the things that really weigh on my heart.  And in the meantime, I can just keep inviting Him to lead each day.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What plans do you need to commit to the Lord? 

How can you invite God to lead your day today?

How can you practice trusting God with all of your tomorrows?


Ed Gill
October 1, 2024 at 8:20 pm

Thank you for sharing this.
An absolute necessity for me, and when I get lazy or more likely cocky, and don’t start my day with the invitation and asking for help surrendering to His will, let’s just say it’s not as good.
My ego will run roughshod and I will have something to apologize for.

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