Everyday Faith

Invited Into Fellowship

Do you have fellowship with Jesus?

Verse of the Day

‘God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.’

1 Corinthians 1:9

Today’s Devotional

In my opinion, there are many different kinds of fellowship.  Webster’s defines fellowship as: “companionship, company; a community of interest, activity, feeling or experience; a company of equals or friends.”  The easy kinds of fellowship (for me) are the ones that are fun and/or life-giving.  The kinds that are all giving and no receiving are harder for me to get excited about.  Even those have their place, though.

I don’t think a lot about being called by God into fellowship with Jesus.  But that’s exactly what Paul is saying here.  We are being invited to participate in a relationship with the Savior of mankind.  We are being invited into peace, strength, love, grace and service that flows from gratitude.  The key is that we are called.  We are invited.  It is not a demand.  I can accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and not accept the invitation into fellowship with Him.  Fellowship involves time, presence, and continuity.  I can have a surface level interaction with anyone, but true fellowship is something that develops over time.

Here’s the key for me today.  Paul states that God is faithful.  God wants what is best for me.  God will continue to call me into fellowship with Jesus.  It is my choice whether or not to accept the invitation.  It’s a choice I must make every day.  And no matter my choice each day, God will faithfully continue to call me into fellowship.

Have you ever noticed that even the most difficult or mundane tasks are more fun when you are with people that you love?  I don’t like to cook alone. But when I’m with my husband, or members of my family, cooking becomes a fun time of conversation, bonding and (usually) laughter.  I think that is what our faithful God is calling us into.  Life can be hard.  It can be mundane.  But if I can remember that Jesus is with me, then maybe all of this would be more fun.  It would certainly serve to remind me how little I can actually control, and how much I have to be grateful for.  And how could that be bad?

So how do I fellowship with a Being that I cannot see?  For me, it is prayer.  And worship.  And asking for Him to show Himself to me in little ways.  And choosing gratitude.  But I want to be clear, I am not always good at this.  But the days I am intentional in being in fellowship with Jesus all day are some of the very best days.

I need these reminders from Scripture that God wants the very best for me.  And there is no better relationship I can foster than the one with Jesus.  It can be hard and confusing for this human girl to devote time and energy into a relationship that sometimes feels…unknown.  But when I take a step back and notice how much more joyful I am, how much more peace I have, how God shows up when I ask for help, then I can see that my relationship with Jesus is growing.  Because God is faithful.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How has God shown his faithfulness to you?  

How does it feel to know that you are called into fellowship with Jesus?  

How can you accept that call today?  

What changes do you notice in your life when you consistently devote time and attention to your relationship with Jesus?

What does fellowship with Jesus mean for you?

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