
How do you change?

Today’s Verses

‘The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.’

Psalms 19:1

Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.

John 17:17


Look at the picture above. Do you see it?

Do you see how the tree is shaped by the wind constantly coming off of the ocean?  I took this picture in Grenada a few years ago and it’s still something I think of often. I want to be shaped by God the way this tree has been shaped by the wind coming off the ocean.

We have been discussing our God-given identity for a few weeks now. So what do we do when our identity does not align with what God says to be true?

We must put ourselves in the path of God, in the Word of God, and around other people of God so that God can shape our identity just like the wind shaped the tree in the picture.

That’s how I want to live.  I am that tree. Or, at least, I am a tree.  I live in a world that expects me to grow strong, stand tall, bear certain fruit that this world deems worthy. But I want to be the kind of tree that is so powerfully affected by an unseen force that you MUST notice that I am affected.  You cannot see the wind, but you can certainly see the affect of the wind on this tree. That’s the kind of Jesus follower I long to be.  I want to be so molded, sculpted, changed that it powerfully alters my identity.

 Is that possible?

Changes like this take time. Altering my own concept of my identity to align with God’s truth takes constant shaping by the wind of God.

You cannot see my God, but can you see my joy? Can I show my gratitude even in the difficult times?  Can I be kind even when it’s scary?  Can I be obedient even when my humanness is screaming at me not to? Can I offer mercy and forgiveness when I’m wronged? Can I live with the confidence of my eternal salvation and my current standing with God?  Can I point others to the reason for my change?  Can I speak God’s truth over myself when my brain and the world are screaming lies? Can I choose to believe God’s truth even when my thoughts and emotions will not cooperate?

We have to start allowing ourselves to be shaped and changed by the wind of God. Notice the verse from John 17:17 above that is a prayer Jesus says over you. He is asking God the Father to shape you with truth. We must remain in the path of God’s truth to be shaped by it.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How has God molded you to bear His image in this world?

In what areas of your life do you need to be willing for God to shape you?

How can you put yourself in the path of God?

How can you engage the Word of God, even if it intimidates you?

How can you build relationships with people of God?

What specific areas of your identity need to be reshaped to align with God’s truth?

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