Jesus is Coming

Honoring the Milestones

How do you honor special milestones in your life?

Verse of the Day

“This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all.”

1 Timothy 1:15

Today’s Devotional

Every good story has many milestones within it that lead to a turning point.  Only by looking back can we truly appreciate each small event that led to a dramatic moment in history.  We don’t have that kind of perspective in the middle of things.  We can’t know today how important (or not) certain circumstances or decisions might turn out to be.

If you look back over your life, I’m sure certain moments stand out.  Some of those moments stand out because they are momentous in and of themselves.  Other moments stand out because of where they led.

For me, there is a book that stands out in my memory as a reminder of a turning point.  The book is called “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson.  My friend Rex suggested that a group of us read this book together, so my husband and I joined in.  Reading this book, which is about praying over your dreams and fears, led us into foster care.  Every time I see a copy of this book, it reminds me of the beginning of a long journey that still is not over in our lives.  Reading that book began as a small event that led to some dramatic changes in our lives.

When I read in today’s verse that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, I know that includes me.  I also recognize that this season of Christmas, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus, represents the first earthly step that set off a chain reaction in human history.  If Jesus was not born, then He could not have lived to show me what love looks like, and He could not have died and rose in order to offer me eternal salvation.

I think it is important to honor milestones.  For me, Christmas is a milestone in God’s effort to be reconciled with each one of us.  Without the birth, we cannot have the rest of His story.

I understand that some people get exasperated with some of the aspects of Christmas.  I get it.  But this year, I would like to focus on the beauty of Jesus’s willingness to be born into our world, the world that He created and we messed up.  Because I am a sinner.  And I need a Savior.  Today, I am incredibly honored that Jesus stepped out of heaven and put on flesh to save me.

We have an opportunity today to take the time to look at the milestones of our own story with God. What events took place in your life that led you to Jesus? As we anticipate celebrating His birth, maybe we also celebrate the steps we can identify that led us to a place where His birth matters in our lives.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Do you see yourself as a sinner that needs the salvation of Jesus?

How do you honor other milestones in your life?

How can you honor the birth of Jesus today as a stepping stone on the path to your salvation?

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