
Hearing of God’s Love

Are you confident in God’s love for you?

Verse of the Day

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.

Psalms 143:8

Today’s Devotional

When I am at home with my family, many times one of them will talk to me from one room while I am in another room.  I can hear that they are talking, but I cannot clearly understand what they are saying.  This usually results in me asking them to come where I am so I can hear them, or me telling them that I will come to them.  It depends on the situation.

I think this verse is telling me that one of the benefits of creating a habit of trust in God is getting to ask Him to be more clear with me.  Asking him to come into the “room” where I am so that I can hear Him better (like I do with my family).  Asking Him to “let me hear You”. I believe this benefit is given to me more fully the more I learn to trust.  

I like how David (the author) phrases this psalm, asking for reassurance of God’s unfailing love for Him and then direction for his life.  That makes me realize that I need God’s love before I need direction.  I think sometimes I get that backwards.  I just want to know what I’m supposed to do.  But David reminds me that I need to remember God’s love for me first, then I will be able to trust “where to walk”.

David’s declaration of trust in God is also coupled with a declaration of surrender.  He says, “for I give myself to you.”  He is saying some things that challenge me.  How strong and habitual is my trust?  Do I declare my trust in God to God every morning? How fully surrendered am I to being a servant of God and not my own desires?

As I continue on my faith journey, I continue to uncover areas where my trust is not “all in”.  I continue to find places in my heart that need reminders of God’s unfailing love.  What if God’s love is where we all need to begin our journey into “all in” trust?  If I REALLY believed that God is who He says He is and that He loves me, wouldn’t that push me to a place of complete surrender and trust?

I don’t have all the answers.  In fact, I don’t have any answers.  Here’s the great thing:  “all in” trust does not need the answers.  And I think that is the point.  All I need today is God’s love and to know where to walk as a result of that love.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How can you declare your trust to God today? 

How can you ask to hear from Him how much He loves you? 

How can you know whether or not you are fully surrendered to God? 

In what areas do you need to know “where to walk”?

What benefits do you see for trusting God more deeply?

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