
Peace-Loving Wisdom

Have you ever considered the quality of God’s wisdom?

Verse of the Day

“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.”

‭‭James‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Today’s Devotional

Have you ever considered the quality of God’s wisdom? I haven’t. I just assume that he’s God, so what he says goes.  But there is something interesting to me about considering the characteristics of God’s wisdom.

Before we dive into that…. Are there people you know who tend to give really good advice?  Conversely, are there people in your life who you would never go to for guidance?  I can personally think of more people in the second category than the first.  Of the few that I would seek out for wisdom, they are all people of the Word. Earlier in James chapter 3, James says that the wise among us will be known by their good lives, good deeds, and humility.  Are those the kind of people you seek out for advice and counsel?  Would people say that you have a good life full of good deeds and humility?

James is pointing out that there are two kinds of wisdom.  One comes from a place of bitter envy and selfish ambition.  He goes on to say that this kind of wisdom is earthy, unspiritual, and demonic.  Where this kind of wisdom is present, there will be disorder and every evil practice.  Those are harsh words!

The second kind of wisdom is from above, or from God.  It is pure, meaning it is not contaminated at all by ulterior motives or any kind of untruth or half-truth.  The wisdom from God loves and seeks peace.  So if you, or anyone, is stirring up dissension, that is not from God. God’s wisdom is gentle.  He really does have our best interests at heart, and if we would take his advice first, we would save ourselves from many of our struggles.  God’s wisdom, being played out in our lives, is willing to put the needs of others before our own.  It is merciful, meaning it is compassionate, forgiving, and patient.  God’s wisdom is full of good deeds, does not play favorites, and is always honest and genuine.

I love the thought that all the things God is trying to teach me are marked by all of those precious qualities.  It makes me think of a kind and gentle nurse helping her patient learn to walk again after a devastating accident.  That kind of recovery takes a long time.  It requires gentleness and encouragement and persistence on the part of the nurse.  But for the patient, it is not a pleasant process.  There will be marvelous victory once the patient can walk again, but the process is grueling.  In each of our lives, we are both the nurse and the patient in different situations.  What kind of nurse are you?  As a patient, do you get discouraged, or do you know that the process God is walking you through – however unpleasant – is for your victory, freedom, and peace?

Journal Prompts

Take a few minutes and lean into these questions. Even if you write it on scratch paper, see what happens when you spend time with God and write down the answers to these questions.

Read James 3:13-18.  How do you struggle with envy?  How do you struggle with selfishness?  Invite God to walk you through the process of healing in those areas.

If you are someone that people turn to for advice, which of the areas of Godly wisdom do you need to improve upon?

How can you embrace a good life today? 

What good deeds can you do today? 

How can you be more humble?  If in doubt, turn to the Word. 

And ask God for a person in your life who is full of Godly wisdom.

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