Holy Habits / Solitude

God’s Protection

Where or to whom do you generally turn for refuge or protection?

Verse of the Day

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5:11‬

Today’s Devotional

This verse is from a song of David where he is asking God for help, asking that evil be punished and asking for direction.  Verse 8 of this chapter is a prayer that I need to say everyday: “Lead me in the right path, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow.”  Man, I really wish that God’s way was easier for me to see sometimes.  I may not have physical enemies (that I’m aware of), but I certainly have a flesh/sin nature that is my enemy, as well as evil spiritual forces.

But David is saying that if God is my refuge, my shelter during trouble, then I have reason to rejoice.  Why? Because God is covering me with HIS protection.

So why is being under God’s protection a source of joy for those of us who love Him?  Let’s go back to the analogy of us being like sheep.  Sheep don’t have the capacity to understand weather.  Sheep might be able to sense danger, but they don’t know what exactly the danger is or where it’s coming from.  Sheep aren’t smart enough to keep themselves out of harmful situations.  Sheep don’t know where the best pastures are, or the cleanest water.  Sound familiar?  I have those same limitations of capacity in my life. 

I don’t know what’s around the next corner.  But God does. I might sense that something is wrong, but I usually don’t even know what that is.  But God does. I’m not smart enough to know when a situation might be dangerous for me.  But God does. I know what I think I need, but I don’t always know where and how to get it.  But God does.  And this same God, who sees and knows all things, is offering us HIS protection.  That seems to be a cause for joy to me.

At some point, if I can decide that I completely trust God (and my thoughts and behaviors slowly follow), then I can stop worrying about my safety, the provision of my needs, the mistakes I might make along the way, and the safety of those that I love.  Not having to worry about anything, and trusting in God’s sovereign control will give me freedom.  And that kind of freedom brings joy.  Lots of joy.  The kind of joy where I can take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the journey – knowing that whatever happens along the journey is orchestrated by my Shepherd and is for my good.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Looking at your history, where do you go for refuge? 

What would it feel like if you had no need to worry?

Do you REALLY trust God?  How can you tell God how much you trust Him?

Looking back, does God’s protection and provision in your life give you joy? 

Today, turn your radio (or playlist) to a worship station and sing a song of praise to God.  He deserves it.

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