
God’s Instructions

Do you need to understand a “rule” before you are willing to follow it?

Verse of the Day

“Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble.”

Psalms‬ ‭119:165‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Today’s Devotional

There is beauty in this verse for how we can achieve peace in our lives.  One commentary states:  “This verse does not promise peace to those who perfectly keep God’s Law, for who can keep it? It promises peace to those who ‘love’ God’s Law, which means, I suppose, those who love it because they have found God to be merciful by reading it.” (Boice)

God, in His mercy, sent Jesus to take my punishment.  God, in His grace, gives me the power to choose Him.  God, in His love, always provides a way for me to turn back to Him.  He never expects us to be perfect.  He expects us to keep turning to Him.  Because He knows that in our humanness we will fail.

For several years, I taught Sunday school to a group of girls.  I taught them from 7th grade through 11th grade.  After they all started driving, I asked them this: “When you were little, did you really understand why your parents got so upset when you chased a ball into the street?  Now that you are driving, do you understand why it is important for little kids not to run unexpectedly into the street without looking for cars?” There are times when we simply don’t have the life experience to understand the instructions we are given. God is asking us to trust all of the instructions we have been given – whether or not we understand them.  Because many times we do not understand the reasons for obedience until after the fact.  My mindset may be more like the little child. I may not be capable of understanding why “running into the street” is dangerous.  But I am being asked to love and obey God’s instructions regardless of whether or not I understand.  Which leads to peace.

Choosing God’s will brings peace.  In my experience, I have to have practice choosing God’s will. Over and over. And in the middle of that process, it does not feel peaceful.  At all.  But the more I do it, and the more God shows up, the quicker I am able to remind my fearful brain that God is in control.  God’s got this.  I just have to remember that and keep moving in the direction He is pointing.

I believe the “do not stumble” part of this verse does not mean “does not ever mess up”. I believe it means that we do not stumble in our faith and belief in God’s love for us.  I may fail, but my faith in God does not stumble.  Because He keeps showing me how very good He is.  My mistakes do not scare Him away.  When I bring my brokenness to Him, He is so gentle and kind.  He keeps showing me that all He wants is my heart.  And the more He captures my heart, the more I love Him and the more I want to love others.  There is peace available to us in the process.  There is peace in choosing to love God’s instructions, and there is peace in knowing that God does not expect perfection from us.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Write down a time when God asked you to do something that you did not want to do, but it turned out for the best. 

How can you show God today that you love His instructions for your life? 

How has God shown you that His way is better than yours? 

Do you find peace in choosing God’s will?

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