Promises of God

God Promises to Hear

Do you believe God is a good listener?

Verse of the Day

‘The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.’

Psalms 34:17

Today’s Devotional

I was having a conversation with someone the other day.  This person was occasionally looking at her phone.  Then she picked up her phone to read a text message that came in while we were talking.  And she answered the text.  I paused and waited, because I wanted her to hear me.  I wanted her undivided attention.

Do you ever wonder if God gives you His undivided attention?  I mean, how could He?  There are so many people who are praying to Him at the same time I am.  And there’s a pandemic going on.  And atrocities happening.  And hurricanes.  And corruption.  And division.  Surely those things are more important than my life and my prayers, right?


We can’t understand how God can give each of us His undivided attention because we can’t do that.  We have a bad habit of assuming that God has human qualities and limitations.  He simply doesn’t.  He is not limited by time or space.  He is not limited in any way when it comes to His abilities, and that is hard for our human brains to comprehend.

I believe God wants each of us to know that we are heard. Every single time we pray or call out to Him.

When I want my daughter to really understand that I’m listening to her and that I love her, I put my hands on either side of her face and have her look me in the eyes.  I think today’s verse is the equivalent of God doing exactly that to each one of us today.

“My sweet child, I hear you.”

“You have My undivided attention and I am so glad that you came to Me with this.”

“I hear you and I understand what you are feeling.”

“I am so glad that you want My help.”

I can’t promise you that God’s method of rescuing you is going to look the way you want it to.  But I can promise you that he hears you.  And I can promise you that He will offer you help.  It will likely require your participation, and will also probably not be what you want to hear or do.  But that doesn’t make God’s promise to each of us any less true.

Today I am grateful that the God who created everything loves me enough to listen to me and hear me.  I am grateful that He promises to help me.  And when that help requires something of me that I don’t want to do, I am grateful that I can ask Him for His strength to do whatever it is He is asking me to do.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Do you feel heard by God? Do you believe that he gives you His undivided attention?

What do you need God to hear from you today?

How can you thank Him for hearing you?

How has He rescued you in the past?

In what battle do you need His rescue today?

How can you ask for His strength to follow wherever He is guiding you?

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