God Promises Strength
Do you need God’s strength?
Verse of the Day
‘He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.’
Today’s Devotional
There are times when I read verses like this and think, “Oh please, God, let this be true for me today.” There are other times when I feel strong. Then there are times when I feel weak and I don’t want to admit it. I don’t want anyone to know that I’m struggling. I want to appear strong, even though I feel the exact opposite.
I sat with a group of women this morning and we discussed how hard it is to be honest with each other (or anyone) when we are struggling. But I think the first place we need to admit our weakness is between us and God. And God already knows, so maybe the key is being able to admit to ourselves that we are weak in certain areas.
If you need a reminder of the majesty and power of God, I highly recommend reading Isaiah 40 from beginning to end. It is a powerful reminder of how insignificant we are compared to God, yet he still cares enough to give us His strength. There is a phrase in verse 27 that stood out to me: “How can you say that the Lord does not see your troubles?” God, in all His might and splendor, cares enough about each one of us to see our troubles. He knows what weighs us down. He knows where we struggle. He knows that we need His strength. I find such comfort in that.
There is a story in Exodus 17 of Moses watching over a battle from a hillside. When Moses held up his staff, the Israelites were winning the battle. When he put his arms down, the opposing army began to pull ahead in the battle. Can you imagine the physical fatigue of holding a staff over your head for hours on end?
There were 2 people with Moses watching the battle, Aaron and Hur. Together they figured out that if Moses sat down on a rock, Aaron and Hur could stand on either side of him and help him hold his arms up. I think God is offering us that same kind of assistance today. He is willing to be the strength of our arms. He also places people in our lives to help us carry the weight.
Our responsibility with this promise of God is to admit our weaknesses. Not just to ourselves and to God, but to each other. God may be surrounding each of us today with people who love us and are willing to step in and help. But we have to be willing to admit when we need help.
God, please fill each of us with your supernatural strength and power today. Help us to be humble enough to admit our weaknesses. Help us to be willing to ask for help from the people you have placed in our lives.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How do you need God’s strength and power today?
Who do you trust enough to share your weaknesses with?
How can you ask for help?
How can you be helpful to someone else today?
How can you thank God today for the strength that he gives you?