Promises of God

God Promises His Help

Do you need God’s help with anything?

Verse of the Day

‘Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’

Isaiah 41:10,13

Today’s Devotional

Yesterday we talked about God’s promise of pruning.  When we are in a time of pruning, we may not realize that is what is happening.  What we will be able to see is change, often unwanted change.  Things will feel unsettled, uneasy, maybe even painful.  It would probably be easier if we had a word from God saying, “I am pruning you right now.  Hold tight, this is going to be uncomfortable.”  But if God said this to us, it would require little faith.  And the spiritual journey is all about growing our faith.

Instead of giving us the details, God promises His help, no matter what we are going through.  Whether it is pruning or whether it is consequences for our unguided decisions, God promises to help us.

I read a fascinating compilation of people’s thoughts about these two verses on  I will paraphrase and combine those words, and hopefully we will be challenged to take God at His word.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you” is both a command and a promise. Israel is being commanded not to fear.  We are being given this same command.  We are told earlier in this chapter of Isaiah that God rules over all and that this same God chooses to love us.  When God then tells us to “fear not”, we need to take this seriously.  The reason we are told not to fear is because of the promise, that He is with us.  As humans, we tend to be more afraid and discouraged when we are alone.  But God is telling us that we are never actually alone.  He is always present.  

We would probably all say that God is able to help us in times of trouble, but God is trying to convince us of His love for us, which causes Him to say, “I will help you.”  Being capable and being willing are two very different things. God tells us that He is both capable AND willing.

Our fear and unbelief are the equivalent of us saying to God, “You are not really with me, personally.  You don’t really love me, so I cannot believe your promises.” If what God says is not true, then He is not God.  If we cannot believe Him, then He is not fit to be adored, for a God whom you cannot trust you cannot worship.

Those are strong words.  The challenge for us today is to take God at His word.  That He is with you in this exact moment.  That He is your God.  That He will strengthen you and help you. That He will hold you.  Our job is simple but not easy: to choose to trust instead of giving in to fear or discouragement.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How can you choose trust over fear today?

How can you choose trust over discouragement?

What is causing fear and/or discouragement in your life today? How can you lay those things down and allow God to handle them?

What do you need God’s help with?

Where do you need His strength?

Is God worthy of your trust?

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