Promises of God

God Promises Eternal Life

How often do you remind yourself that this life is only temporary?

Verse of the Day

‘This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began.’

Titus 1:2

Today’s Devotional

Today’s verse starts with “this truth”.  The truth that Paul is referring to comes from the prior verse.  It states that Paul is sent to proclaim faith and to teach “the truth that shows them how to live godly lives.”  This truth then gives us the assurance of eternal life, living in God’s presence forever.

There are days that I forget that this world and this life are just stepping stones to eternity.  There are days that I live by sight, looking only at my life and my circumstances.  Those days are not my best days.  Because on those days I am not living with the right perspective.  I am not living as though this promise of God is true.

I got to see a glimpse of heaven yesterday at church.  We had a baptism service, and the celebration was palpable.  There was cheering before the service started as those who were going to be baptized walked into the sanctuary.  During the baptisms, the atmosphere was incredible as we watched six or seven people take a step of obedience in their faith.  One of the people being baptized is a friend of mine.  I know part of his story and I have the privilege of being on his “team”.  As he entered the water, I felt this uncontrollable joy.  It’s as if God was showing me the joy and freedom that await us in heaven.  It was an incredible picture of Romans 12:15 where we rejoice with those who rejoice, and Luke 15:10 where Jesus says that there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.  That kind of joy is what we have to look forward to for eternity.

Do we live our lives today as if that’s the future that awaits us?

I read a modern-day parable recently that reminds me of this promise, and the fact that not everyone believes what God says.

“In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: ‘Do you believe in life after delivery?’

The other replied, ‘Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.’

‘Nonsense’ said the first. ‘There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?’

The second said, ‘I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.’

The first replied, ‘That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.’

The second insisted, ‘Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.’

The first replied, ‘Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one has ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.’

‘Well, I don’t know,’ said the second, ‘but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.’

The first replied ‘Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?’

The second said, ‘She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.’

Said the first: ‘Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.’

To which the second replied, ‘Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.’”

Personally, I don’t want to live today with the perspective that this “womb” is all there is.  I want to live with the joyful confidence that God’s promises are true.  All of His promises.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What are your thoughts about eternal life?

How would your perspective shift if you looked at this life as temporary?

If you believe God’s promise for eternal life, does it help you to believe all of His other promises?

How can you live today that will encourage someone else to find eternal life through faith in God?

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