Jesus is Coming

God is Speaking

Are you listening?

Verse of the Day

“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1:1-2

Today’s Devotional

God spoke.  God has spoken.  God speaks still today.  Do we hear Him?

One of my daughters enlisted in the Navy and went to boot camp. While she was gone, I waited with anxious anticipation to hear from her, either via a letter or a phone call.  Once she did call or write, I would go over, again and again, what all she said to see if I could pick up on anything that was left unsaid.  With a letter, I would share it with others so that they could also know what she had to say and hear her words for themselves.

Do I wait with the same anxious anticipation to hear from God?

Have you ever been with someone and they are talking and then you realize that you haven’t actually been listening?  I might say, “I’m so sorry. Can you start over?  My mind was elsewhere.” Or have you ever been busy doing what you need to do while someone is speaking to you and if you are really honest, you would admit that what the other person is saying isn’t as important to you as what you are doing?

I feel that I treat God that way sometimes.  I don’t always anxiously await my Bible reading and prayer time every day.  Sometimes I think He is trying to tell me something and my mind is elsewhere.  I’m just not paying attention.  Or my to-do list is more important than making time and space for God to speak to me.

Here’s what I know.  God has a lot to say to us humans.  But we are a hard audience.  We just don’t listen well.  When God spoke directly to Moses, Moses made excuses as to why he should not have to do what God directed.  When he spoke through prophets in the Old Testament, they were ridiculed or ignored.  Granted, the prophets came with hard messages sometimes.  But mostly we didn’t listen.

Then came Jesus.  Jesus, the heir of all things and through whom all things were created.  Surely, we listened to Him, right?  Sadly, we did not.

Then, before he dies, Jesus tell His disciples this: 

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,”

At one point Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will guide us into ALL the truth.  Not just some truth, or part of the truth, but ALL the truth.

If you have ever wondered what God is saying, then maybe reading through the Gospels is a great way to start. Because God the Father used Jesus to speak to us. And in His kindness, this is written down in the Bible for us to read.

God spoke.  God still speaks.  God speaks today through His Word, through the life of Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, through creation, through music, though other believers.  A Bible study I am doing with a few friends is about how to be a good listener to God. It lists five characteristics of someone who is listening to God: (1) they are cultivating a growing relationship with God (2) they are saturating their mind with Scripture (3) they integrate periods of silence (4) they emulate a spirit of humility and (5) they demonstrate a life of obedience. Does this describe us? Are we listening?  If we are, are we obeying?

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Ask God today what He wants you to know.  

Ask for His help to do whatever He says or learn whatever He prompts.  

Thank God for loving you enough that He desires to communicate with you.  

The Creator of the world wants to speak to you and He longs for you to speak to Him. Ask God to help you hear Him.

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