
God is Patient

Who do you want to be? How does God treat you?

Verse of the Day

“Love is patient”

1 Corinthians 13:4

Today’s Devotional

We did it.  We survived almost an entire month studying patience.  Today is our last day.  Jokingly, or maybe not, I have had a couple of people tell me that they were ready for this study to be over. But do you know what I hear when people say things like that? I hear that God loves each of us enough to test our patience in ways that are “safe” or “minor” in order to help us grow.  Because he really is that good.

When my husband and I are talking to parents of teenagers, one of the things we often tell them is that it is better for their kids to struggle at home – under their roof and under their guidance – than for them to be completely shielded from trials and temptation until they leave home.  This gives kids a chance to learn and grow while still under the guidance and influence (and consequences) of their parents.  I believe that God does the same thing with us.  He allows us to struggle and grow during a study like this because it is safer for us.  He really is a good Father.

I have a couple of lessons that I have learned this month that have really taken root in my heart.  The first one is that true patience is from God alone.  I can act like I’m patient, but that’s not a lasting or sustainable way to be a patient person. This quote from the Institute of Biblical Counseling really resonated with me: “The real power of patience is the person of Jesus Christ living in a believer. Living in a born again believer is the most patient person I know–the person of Christ.”

This brings me back to the same place most of my studies lead, that seeking God first, above and before everything else, is what matters and creates the results I’m hoping for.  We are not attempting to create an environment of behavior management.  We are in the process of relationship development with the Father.  The outcome of a relationship with God is that we become exactly who He intended us to be.  This includes being patient.

The second lesson that has greatly impacted me is the reminder of how patient God is with each one of us.  Looking back over my life, the evidence of His patience with me is astounding.  The lengths He has gone to in order to get my attention and become willing to surrender to Him are so much more than I deserve, and I am so very grateful.

If “Love is patient”, which we read in today’s verse, and “God is love” (1 John 4:16), then we know with absolute certainty that God is patient.  Not only do we see this in the stories of the Bible, we can see it in our own lives.  If God is so patient with us, who are we to be impatient with anyone?  And when we find ourselves feeling impatient, let’s be people who quickly run to the Father for a fresh dose of His love and patience for us.  This can be prayer, reading the Word, worship, journaling, reflecting on nature, taking a walk and talking to Him, asking Him for reassurance of His love, listening to a sermon, making a gratitude list, or many other ways we connect with our Father.  If we are ever going to become people who are patient, the first thing we must do is to be His.  Fully surrendered to His love and His will.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How has God tested your patience recently? Did it feel like a “safe” way to test you?

How has God reminded you of His patience with you recently?

How can you deepen your relationship with the Father today?

How does God’s overwhelming love for you change your perspective about your day?

Who do you want to be? How does your relationship with God help you to become who HE wants you to be?

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