Full of Truth
What would you say you are full of?
Verse of the Day
‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.’
Today’s Devotional
We have been studying “truth” for a few days, and today we continue that study while also shifting our focus a bit. We are going to look at Jesus and the truth He brings for a few days, then we will do the same with the Holy Spirit. After that, we are going to look at what the Bible tells us our responsibility is with truth.
Today we look at Jesus. John, the author of today’s verse, tells us that “the Word” became flesh. Since we know that Jesus became flesh, we can then assume that Jesus is “the Word”. I have this mental picture of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Spirit) watching humans live on this planet. The truth, or the message, that God wanted us to grasp all along was His love for us and our need for Him. And somehow we missed it. God created us in His image, and we missed the beauty and honor of that. God spoke to certain people along the way, and we missed it. God had Moses write down a few things so that we could see God’s desire for our hearts, and we missed it. So I picture the Father saying to the Son, “Hey, it’s time to suit up. I need you down there. They need a clearer picture of Truth. The need to see Truth with skin on.”
If we look to Jesus as our guide to truth, then truth looks like:
- Serving, even when those being served don’t deserve it
- Giving all honor and glory to God
- Pointing people to God
- Relationships being more important than any rule could ever be
- Sacrifice
- Having a good group of people around you
- Taking time to separate yourself for spending time in prayer
- Meeting people’s physical needs to teach them spiritual lessons
- Loving the unlovely.
John was a witness to the life of Jesus. He got to see the Truth of God in human form. John’s message is to help all of us learn the Truth of God, through the Person of Jesus.
John describes Jesus as being full of grace and truth. There was nothing in Jesus that was not grace and truth. This means that even though we do not deserve it, God longs to be reconciled with each one of us, which was accomplished by the life, death, and resurrection of the Son.
For us, it can be all too easy to read the stories of Jesus, and maybe even believe them, and yet nothing changes. We still live each day trying to self promote, or self protect, or seek comfort, or worry our way through the day’s struggles. But what would happen if we allowed the truth of Jesus to permeate every breath, every thought, every word, and every action?
The truth is that God loves you too much to be without you. Jesus came to show us God’s love. So what does that mean to you? How would your life change if you lived like you actually believed that?
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
What is your response to the truth of Jesus?
How can you model the example of Jesus today?
For you, how does Jesus embody truth?
What truth of God might you have missed?