Foundation of Truth
What is the household of God?
Verse of the Day
‘I am writing these things to you now, even though I hope to be with you soon, so that if I am delayed, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth.’
Today’s Devotional
Let’s talk about church.
In America, when we say the word “church”, not everyone has a good connotation with that word. Even among believers. But let’s look at how this word may have been used in this verse.
According to enduringword.com, the word “church” in this verse does not mean what we might think. “In the ancient Greek language, “church” was a non-religious word for a group of people called together for a purpose. The living God has called His people together for His purpose.”
Are you part of a group of people that are trying to learn, live, and share God’s truths? If so, you are part of a church.
Matthew Poole, a 17th century theologian, says this: “It isn’t that the church is the foundation for the truth, but that the church holds up the truth so the world can see it. Pillars also were of ancient use to fasten upon them any public edicts, which princes or courts would have published, and exposed to the view of all; hence the church is called, the pillar and basis, or seal, of truth, because by it the truths of God are published, supported, and defended.”
I am convinced that my faith is stronger because I am an active member of a community of believers who hold up the truth of God, who challenge me to grow deeper in my knowledge of the Word, who encourage me to serve, who provide me with much needed community. Humans are made for community. We need each other.
Imagine if, after the death and resurrection of Jesus, each of the apostles went his own way. What would have happened? Instead, we see in Acts 2, that after Jesus has ascended to heaven, they were all still hanging out together. They needed each other. Their lives had been radically changed, and they still weren’t 100% sure what that meant. Until the Holy Spirit arrived.
With the arrival of the Holy Spirit, they should be good, right? They now each have the living God inside of them, so why do they need each other?
Because we are made for each other. We can’t love our neighbor as Jesus commands if we don’t know our neighbor or never spend any time with him.
So after a mass conversion of over 3,000 people in Acts 2, look what these people did. “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper ), and to prayer.”
I can devote myself to the study of the Word and prayer by myself. But I can’t fellowship without other people. I can’t share meals with myself. I am called to be involved in the lives of other believers, just as much as I am called to share the message of Jesus.
God knew that our tendency might be to go without a community of believers. That’s why the writer of Hebrews wrote this: “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
If you are a part of my community of believers, I need your help and encouragement to live a life of truth. I need you to help me see when and where I’m wrong. I need your gifts and talents to compliment mine. Because together, we form a pillar that shows the people of the world how much God loves them. Together, we show the world a different way to live that offers freedom. Together, we get to practice our relationship skills with people who are going to love us no matter what. Together, we are the body of Jesus on this earth. Together, we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to bring hope and life and love to a lost and broken world. That is not a burden or an obligation. That, my friends, is a privilege and an honor.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
Do you have a community of faith?
How important is community to you?
How can you get involved in a group of believers (if you aren’t already)?
How can you be a more active member of your church?
How do you need other believers?
How can you be a pillar of truth for someone today?