
Faith is Confident

Would a more confident faith help us with endurance?

Verse of the Day

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬

Today’s Devotional

Here are some things that I hope for by faith:

-I hope that everything that God promises in the Bible is true.

-I hope that, by God’s strength and power, I will be an instrument of the Lord in this world.

-I hope that Jesus will return.  Soon.

-I hope that the glory of heaven will make this life on earth be a fainting memory.

-I hope that heaven and being in the presence of God will blow my mind.

-I hope that I will continue to grow closer to God.

-I hope for my friend to come to faith in Christ.

-I hope that I am always still learning to love God and love others.

-I hope that God will give me strength each day to do what he has called me to do that day.

Faith says that I need to be confident in those things.   And have you ever noticed that confidence is not a feeling?  I mean, sometimes confidence is an emotion.  But mostly confidence is the way we behave regardless of how we feel.  I can feel fear but still behave with bravery.  After all, courage is fear that has said its prayers.  So, then, I need to apply the same logic to confidence.  Even if I feel doubtful, I need to behave with confidence. If we could learn to remain confident in our faith, wouldn’t endurance be a natural by-product of that confidence?

I had an experience this week where I was anything but confident. I was feeling weak and overwhelmed. Then I listened to a sermon by Dr. Tony Evans about spiritual warfare, in which he reminded me Who has already won the war. The simple act of listening to that sermon changed my perspective. God used Dr. Evans to remind me that I have every reason to be confident in my faith, no matter what circumstances I find myself in. As I decided to actually believe in the things God has already promised, my ability to endure my current circumstances blossomed.

God has given each of us exactly what we need to have faith in Him, to trust in His plan for our lives, and to endure whatever circumstances He allows. Some days I just need to be reminded. And God is kind enough to remind me that I have every reason to be confident in Him.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What are you confident in? 

What are you sure of? 

How can you act today with confidence and assurance despite the way you may feel? 

How would you describe and/or rate your faith today?

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