Everyday Faith

Faith is Confident

What are you confident in?

Verse of the Day

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬

Today’s Devotional

This is the famous faith verse.  And I’m not sure that I have anything to add to it.  But I will try.

Here are some things that I hope for by faith:

-I hope that everything that God promises in the Bible is true.

-I hope that, by God’s strength and power, I will be an instrument of the Lord in this world.

-I hope that Jesus will return.  Soon.

-I hope that the glory of heaven will make this life on earth be a fainting memory.

-I hope that heaven and being in the presence of God will blow my mind.

-I hope that I will continue to grow closer to God.

-I hope for my friend to come to faith in Christ.

-I hope that I am always still learning to love God and love others.

-I hope that God will give me strength each day to do what he has called me to do that day.

Faith says that I need to be confident in those things.   And have you ever noticed that confidence is not a feeling?  I mean, sometimes confidence is an emotion.  But mostly confidence is the way we behave regardless of how we feel.  I can feel fear but still behave with bravery.  After all, courage is fear that has said its prayers.  So, then, I need to apply the same logic to confidence.  Even if I feel doubtful, I need to behave with confidence.

The assurance about what we do not see….this one (for me) is a belief that God is real, he is who he says he is and that he loves me. I am sure of that, even though I’ve never seen God. I am sure that Jesus died for my sins, even though I did not witness His sacrifice. I cannot see my faith, but I am sure of its existence. 

My only other opinion about faith is that it probably looks different for everyone. There are some core principles that exist for everyone, but the details of what that specifically looks like will vary. Your faith may call you to a foreign country. My faith may call me to an ordinary life of small acts done with great love. Some are called by faith to study Greek or Hebrew. I am not. But that doesn’t make me any less (or more) faithful. I must be in close enough contact with God that my only concern is living out MY faith, while not judging what another person is or isn’t called to do. 

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What are you confident in? 

What are you sure of? 

How can you act today with confidence and assurance despite the way you may feel? 

How would you describe and/or rate your faith today?

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