
Everything in Love

Is it even possible to do everything in love?

Verse of the Day

“Do everything in love.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:14

Today’s Devotional

Everything?  Seriously….everything?  How is that even possible?

I read the section of Scripture that this verse comes from, and I made some notes on Paul’s suggestions to the believers in Corinth.  Maybe we can learn something about how to “do everything in love”.

1- Have flexibility with other people’s plans. (You have no idea what God has asked of others.)

2- Cause no one to fear. (With our words, or actions. People in our midst should feel protected and supported.)

3- Treat no one with contempt. (Do not judge where other people are in their walk with God. Also, we should never speak poorly of others. “As Walt Whitman said, “Be curious, not judgemental.”)

4- Send people away with peace. (Do people feel better after they are with you? Or worse?)

5- Be on your guard. (Our humanness can take over at a moment’s notice.  Vigilance with our spiritual condition is necessary.)

6.- Stand firm in faith. (We should not be easily swayed away from the truths in God’s Word.  Which means we need to be IN God’s Word daily.)

7- Be courageous. (Fear is a formidable foe.  It keeps many of us stuck.  But God is more powerful than any fear…as long as we are relying on His power and not our own.)

8-Be strong.  (Our strength comes from God, so the more time we spend with Him, the stronger we will be.)

9- Submit to the Godly work of other believers, even if they are newer believers than you. (This speaks to not being judgmental, as well as being accepting of God’s call on other people’s lives.  If the work of others makes us feel inferior, perhaps it is from a lack of prior obedience on our part.)

So basically, we are called to be kind, accepting, supportive of others and vigilant with our own faith.  If we work on even one of these things, we will become more loving.

Then there’s the list from Chapter 13.  In my dealings with myself, God, and others…am I patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, humble, honoring, self sacrificing, peaceful, forgiving, rejoicing in truth, protecting, trusting, hopeful and persevering?

I have to remind myself often that love is not an emotion, it is an action.  Or rather, love is a series of actions.  I can choose actions that build others up.  I can choose actions that draw me closer to God.  I can choose actions that bring honor and glory to God. These are choices that I must make all day every day.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Which loving action from Paul’s list needs the most work in your life?  

How can you act in a more loving way today with yourself? 

How can you act in a more loving way toward God today?

How can you act in a more loving way today with another human?

How can you build others up?

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