
Empty Hands

What burdens do you need to give to God?

Verse of the Day

‘Give your burdens to the Lord , and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.’

Psalms 55:22

Today’s Devotional

I need to be honest with you.  This month’s study of contentment has been hard for me.  I never realized how much discontentment I allow into my heart.  I’m a generally happy person.  But this study has revealed some things in my character that I need to work on.  As I reflect on how, when and why I am discontent is certain situations, it comes down to a few basic reasons.  (1) I have a lack of trust in God.  (2) I want things to go my way in my timing.  (3) I forget that we live in a broken world. (4) I am impatient with the process. (5) I don’t always like the way other people behave.

Here’s what I know.  God is good.  God does not get frustrated with my growth process, unless maybe I stop trying to grow.  Even then, God pursues us.  Today’s verse is an invitation to me.  As I get frustrated with my lack of contentment, I can give that burden to God.  As I turn these burdens over to Him, He cares for me.

Let’s think about yesterday’s verse again.  The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.  I may also have some things that I don’t need.  Burdens.  Hurt and pain that may be self-inflicted or inflicted on me by others.  According to David, these burdens are not meant for me to carry.  God intends for me to turn loose of them and let Him handle them.  But let’s be honest, that can be hard to do.

Imagine a child who is hungry.  She has both fists full and clinched with a bunch of small rocks.  Those rocks are not going to satisfy her hunger, but still she holds them.  In the same room is an adult, though the child cannot see the adult.  She is mildly aware of the presence of another, but she cannot see this person.  The adult has in his hands a plate full of delicious food.  Until the little girl releases her grip on the rocks, she cannot receive the food.  She is not aware of any of this.  She is only aware that she is hungry, and that she doesn’t want to release her grip.  Why does she hold so tightly to the rocks?  Because she can.  Because they are hers.  Because she wants to be holding something, even if it’s not what she needs.

I am that little girl.  I am holding onto things that are keeping me from the provision and satisfaction that God desires to give me.  God has proven Himself faithful to me time and time again.  Yet I still find myself holding on to things that are keeping me from being content with God’s care and provision.  Perhaps God wants us to give our burdens to Him so that our hands are empty.  With empty hands we can receive what He offers to us.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What are your burdens today? 

How are you clinging to them? 

What would it look like if you gave those to God? 

How do you need God to care for you today? 

How can you empty your hands in order to receive?


Tom Chandler
November 20, 2020 at 11:38 am

I don’t like this level of self examination. Forces me to think about just what I am clinging to that stands in the way of my full relationship with God and others.

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