
Do Not Dwell on the Past

Verse of the Day

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19

Today’s Devotional

We are going to spend some time talking about love.  And some of you are going to roll your eyes at that topic.  But since “love” is the verb in the two greatest commands that Jesus gave us, I think it’s worth spending some time looking at.

Today’s verse doesn’t mention love.  But I think it’s important to recognize where we are starting and where God says He is taking us.  God is always moving, but we often don’t see it.  One reason for that might be that we are living in the past.

How good are you at not dwelling in the past?  Today, on the dawn of a brand new day, do you feel like a new creation?  There are days that I do not feel like a new creation.  But when I look at a baby, I see a new creation in the world.  A gift from God.  But new babies are a lot of work.  They take constant care.  It took about 12 years before I was willing to leave my child home alone (and even then only for an hour or so).  Small children that have not had constant love, attention, direction, discipline, feeding and learning are not very much fun to be around.  Do you know kids like that?  Is that the kind of Christian that I am?

Until my spiritual life had constant love, attention, direction, discipline, feeding and learning, I was not a very fun Christian to be around.  I would also add accountability to that list of necessities in my life. And just like a new baby needs parents, I needed to surrender my life to my Father.  Every single day.

If you don’t feel like a new creation today, then maybe it’s time for some spiritual resolutions and consistency.  Today is a day of hope and promise.  Reread part of Isaiah 43:18-19. ”Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”  God is doing a new thing in you today.  He is offering you hope.  Hope in a new beginning.  Not just today, but every single day.  Just as a baby slowly learns new skills, with much trial and error, so too can you learn new things in your walk with God.  Do you struggle with fear?  Make it your goal today to turn every fearful thought and feeling into a prayer for God’s guidance and faithfulness in your life. Still struggling at the end of today?  Make it your goal tomorrow too.  Keep making a new day’s resolution each day until it is no longer a struggle but part of who you are to trust instead of being fearful.  When you give in to fear, acknowledge your weakness, turn it over to God and LET IT GO.  Then reaffirm your new goal.  Just keep going.  Stop expecting perfection.  Humans wanting perfection are like dogs wanting to be zebras.  It’s just not going to happen.  But small, daily improvements are possible.

You are a new creation in Christ.  But just like a newborn, there is work involved in growing and learning.  Let’s start this new day with a focus on the Creator and HIS strength.  Let’s take an honest look at our weaknesses, which is where we need to focus our prayer, attention and effort. I believe that in order to be effective workers in the Kingdom of God, we need to be honest about where we are right now.  I believe we need to be honest about where and how we are stuck in the past.  I believe we need to learn to perceive what God is doing. These are important steps in learning to receive the love that God is offering to us.

Today (and everyday) is a new day to allow God access to our hearts to do great things for His Kingdom. 

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Where and how are you stuck in the past?  What memories keep resurfacing? What mental tape do you play over and over?

How can you declare to yourself the truth that you are a new creation today?

What spiritual resolutions to do you need to make and ask God to help you with?

What kind of care and attention does your spiritual life need?

How is God making a way for you today?

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