
Continue to Follow

What does it mean to follow Jesus?

Verse of the Day

‘And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.’

Colossians 2:6-7

Today’s Devotional

In my personal experience, there is a big difference between accepting Jesus as my Lord and following Him.  For me, the change happened when I experienced His power and His grace. I experienced His power when I asked for help with something that I absolutely knew I could not accomplish on my own.  I experienced His grace in the realization that even though I am broken and sinful and needy, He was still willing to help me with His power.

I try not to be judgmental about other people’s walk of faith, but in this country it appears that there is a big disparity between believing and following.  Because following can be hard.  Following requires risk and discipline and devotion and a level of uncertainty that makes us uncomfortable. But following also gives us access to power.  And peace.  And hope.

I am in the process of building my life on Jesus.  I believe it is a lifetime process.  I believe that faith building does not have a finish line, but instead provides me with a purpose for each day.  Growing roots takes time.  If I plant a new tree in my yard, it will take months, if not years to develop the kind of roots that can withstand storms.  Isn’t that what this verse is encouraging us to do?

I just read several articles about trees and their root systems.  A tree cannot survive and thrive without a healthy root system.  This requires adequate space for the roots to grow and nourishment with water and soil (among other things).  One article from Anderson Tree Company says, “Root development should be top priority, even before pruning or beautifying the existing foliage.”

So let’s translate that information into our relationship with Jesus.  My faith needs adequate space to grow, which for me that means time.  How much time am I spending with God each day to give my faith adequate space to grow?  My faith needs nourishment.  I need the Bible, and other literature to help me to understand the Bible.  Or I need to really focus on a verse or passage while praying for God to help me to understand what He wants me to learn.  Look at what 2 Timothy 2:7 says: “Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things.” (Again, this takes time.) I need other people who are growing their roots to encourage and who can encourage me.

The other interesting part of this passage is that it takes faith to find gratitude.  The more I see God showing up in my life, the more I recognize my need for Jesus and depend on Him, the more I actively practice my faith – the more there is to be grateful for.  Because every time I depend on God, He shows up.  Which builds my faith.  Which makes me thankful.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How can you actively follow Jesus today?  

What can you do to grow your roots of faith?  

How has your faith given you reason to be thankful?

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