
Content With Exactly Where I Am

What does being content mean to you?

Verse of the Day

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”

Isaiah 58:11

Today’s Devotional

We are going to spend some time studying contentment and finding our satisfaction in God instead of our circumstances. This topic was chosen for completely selfish reasons.  I am really struggling with feeling discontent.  And here’s the thing.  I KNOW that I cannot control other people.  I know that I cannot do anything to change the fact that we are living in a world of chaos, fear, and division.  I know that the only things I can control are my own attitude, the time and devotion I give to God, and my actions.

So even knowing the “right” things, why am I still struggling?  Because I am human.  Because I forget what I can actually control.  Because I need a Shepherd in every moment, not just in times of big decisions.

As I reread today’s verse. it brings actual tears to my eyes.  I feel like God is whispering to me, “I am guiding you, even though you are struggling.  I am here.  Lean on me, and let your satisfaction come from my love.  Ask for my strength.  Let me nourish your very weary soul.”

According to the dictionary, “content” means being satisfied with what you have, not wanting more or anything else.  Based on that definition, I am definitely not content.  I always want more.  If one is good, then two is better!  In thinking about my spiritual health, I am also not content there either.  My brain is lying to me and telling me that if these few things would change, THEN I would feel better.  But, I have a choice to feel better right now.  I can slow down my brain and choose to slow down my body. I have the power to be still and know that God is God…and I am not.

So I re-read the verse again, and do you know what I hear?  “Do you trust me?  Do you believe that the Words I have given you are true?”  I am no expert in God or the Bible, but I believe that we have the Word that we have for a reason.  I believe that our world today would qualify as a “sun scorched land”.  I believe that if I will allow the Lord to guide me, that he will strengthen me physically and soothe me emotionally.

So how, in a season of distress, do I allow God to guide me? 

I stop playing “what if” in my head.  I stop having fictitious conversations in my head.  I need to stop worrying about tomorrow and beyond.  Today, in this very moment, I remind myself of who God is.  I remind myself how much He loves me.  I remind myself of His promise of provision.  I remind myself that my strength is worthless and His is limitless.  I remind myself that I trust Him.

What if….what we each have in this exact moment is exactly what we are supposed to have?  Maybe where I am spiritually is exactly where I am supposed to be.  Maybe my emotional maturity is right where it is supposed to be for today.  Maybe my level and ability to actually trust God is just right for today.  I hear people say “Trust the process.”  That’s easy advice to give when you’ve already been through the process.  But when you are in the middle of the process, it’s hard to wrap your brain around.

I can choose to be content in the fact that the Lord is guiding me. And I can choose to follow Him. I can choose to be content with God’s provision of what I need for today, instead of looking to things of this “sun-scorched land” to provide temporary satisfaction. I can choose to ask God for His strength today, trusting that He will give me His strength. If I can do those things today, this verse tells me that I will blossom like a well-watered garden in the middle of a dessert. Then, perhaps, the “blooms” in my life will allow others to see the beauty to God’s kindness.

I can choose to believe that the words of today’s verse are TRUTH. My prayer today is that I will learn to be content exactly where I am today, knowing that God is in control and that He will lead me to find my contentment in Him.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Where are you struggling with feeling discontent? 

In what areas do you need God’s guidance? What step do you need to take to follow where He is guiding you?

How has God already provided what you need? How does that increase your faith that He will provide what you need today?

For what do you need God’s strength today? 

Ask God to nourish your mind, body and soul with His love today.

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