
Content to Please God

How do you go about pleasing God?

Verse of the Day

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

Philippians 2:13

Today’s Devotional

This is a great verse. And I think it must be looked at in combination with the prior verse, which says that we need to “Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.” This does not mean that we need to earn God’s affection, or earn our salvation. It simply means that if we really believe that God has saved us, we will put our belief into action. The reverence for God that is the natural result of His grace will come out in the way we behave in this world.

Having said that, I have a confession. One of the things I have wrestled with for a long time is trying to know the difference between what is my responsibility and what is God’s.  I know that God is in control, but where does my obedience (or lack thereof) play into this equation.  Where does my trust fit in?  Is God leading all of the “good” stuff I do, while I am responsible for all the missteps?

I don’t have the answers to those questions.  But I do know a few things.  God is working right now to keep my body alive, to keep this planet spinning, to keep the birds flying.  He is responsible for all of it.  I believe a person can be saved for eternity by belief in Jesus and still have a miserable earthly life.  I believe the devil and free will get in the way of the abundant life that is available to us.  I have the freedom to draw my strength and power from the Holy Spirit, while I also have the freedom NOT to use that power.  I’m wondering if it all comes down to submission.  Do I truly submit to God’s authority? If I do, then I will want to do what pleases Him. Can I be content on this earth living a life that pleases God? I believe God is trying to show us that the only path to contentment is living for Him.

If I am going to do what pleases Him, I’m going to need help with that.  How in the world can I know what would please God if not for His help?  Notice that today’s verse shows us two ways He is helping us to please Him. First, He changes our desires. Second, He gives us power to act. If I am struggling with earthly desires and a lack of power to do anything “good”, then I might need to spend some time pondering all of the wonderful things God has done and is doing for me. If I submit to His Lordship in my life and I long to please Him, I do so from a place of awe and reverence for my salvation. As I ponder the majesty of all that God has done for me, it causes me want to please Him. Spending time in reverence of our Holy God changes us. That’s what we need to learn.

The other option is wanting God to meet MY needs and desires.  This is a longing for God to help ME to do what pleases ME.  And honestly, I think that’s where many of us begin our spiritual journey.  I don’t think there is anything wrong with starting in that place.  We are human, after all.  It’s the equivalent of a child behaving in a childish way.  It’s age appropriate.  But we help and encourage this child to mature, right?  That’s what God is doing in us as we learn to know and love Him more.  He is helping us to mature spiritually. 

I guess it all boils down to this: Do I want to spend the time I have on this earth pleasing God? Or pleasing myself? If I long to please God, then He honors that desire and helps me to do just that. If I’m only chasing my own desires, my experience tells me that God will keep pursuing me until I change my mind.

Contentment comes as we allow ourselves to slow down and really consider God’s majesty. As we do this, He changes us into people that long to honor Him.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Deep down, do you want to please God or please yourself? (It’s OK if this is not a cut-and-dried answer. God always prefers honesty.)

How have you seen God helping you when you were trying to honor Him with your actions and desires?

How would your life look differently if your humanness didn’t get in the way?

How can you consider God’s majesty today? How can you simply acknowledge everything that He has done and is doing for you?

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