Confusion and Chaos
Do you have a lot of chaos and/or confusion in your life today?
Verse of the Day
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
Today’s Devotional
This passage comes from a section of Paul’s letter where he is telling the Corinthian church how to have order in their worship gatherings. Basically, Paul is saying that there needs to be order and not chaos, that if someone has a fresh revelation from God they have priority over someone else who might be ready to speak, that no one may speak in tongues without an interpreter. These are all good rules. So why does Paul add this sentence about confusion and peace?
If we are to bring our worship to God, it should be for the sole purpose of glorifying God and building others up. We cannot do that with a sense of chaos and confusion.
Let’s take this a step further, and apply it to our daily lives. According to Romans 12:1, my life should be a form of worship. That leads me to ask whether or not my life is marked by confusion and chaos…or peace.
If I stop and look at my life, the chaos seems to all surround the parts of my life where I am not slowing down and asking God to direct me. Many times this centers in my mind. My mind can be a bundle of confusion. But when I recognize the faulty thinking, I must stop and remind myself that God is in control, and that He will help me when I ask, though His help usually does not look the way I expect. This is evidence of the power of practicing times of solitude. It allows our mind and heart to see the chaos and confusion and bring it to God, who turns it into peace.
In fact, just this morning during my quiet time, my brain was spinning out of control with everything that I thought I needed to do today. So I asked God if he had anything to say to me. Here was the response: “My peace I give to you. Breathe and trust me. I love you more than you can fathom.” To be clear, this was not an audible response. But when I get quiet and still and ask God to speak to me, there is often a thought that comes to my mind that I know is not from my own brain. I try to do this with pen and paper ready so that I can write down what I am being “told”.
Almost every time I do this, God’s response has nothing to do with my specific requests or current struggles. He almost always reminds me who I am and who He is and that He loves me. You’d think I could remember that everyday. But I am human and I need to be reminded often.
In my life, where there is confusion and chaos, am I trying to work without God? Or I am getting ahead of whatever God needs me to do today? I believe today’s verse that says our God is the God of peace. I believe that God’s peace is available to me in any and every moment and situation. I just need to slow down long enough to recognize that I am trying to do things without God. I need to acknowledge Him. I need to be present in the blessing of this moment. I need to sit at the feet of the God of Peace.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
Where is there confusion or chaos in your life today?
How can you invite God into that situation?
What would that feel like to be peaceful in the midst of struggle?
How can you sit at the feet of the God of Peace today?