
Clear Instructions

Do you have any enemies?

Verse of the Day

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:44

Today’s Devotional

I don’t have a lot of enemies, but I have a handful of what I call “sandpaper people”.  You know the type, people that just really rub you the wrong way.  They irritate you, almost from the moment they walk into the room.  Sometimes just knowing that you will have to interact with that person gives you a sense of dread.

Jesus knew that we would not automatically get along with everyone, even after we come to faith in Him. Jesus also knew that we are prone to go about things in the wrong way.  This becomes clear as we read the Sermon on the Mount, which is where this verse comes from.  He seems to turn everything upside down.  He reorders everything we thought we knew.  And often, His way is exactly the opposite of what we would do if left to our own devices.

But here’s something I’ve learned.  Jesus is always after our heart, and is always working for our good.  I had someone point out to me one time, when I mentioned the term “sandpaper person” when referring to someone in my life, that sandpaper is used to smooth out rough edges in something.  So what if Jesus’ instructions that we pray for our enemies is for our good?  What if intentionally lifting up in prayer a difficult person in our life helps us to understand grace and mercy and forgiveness?

Maybe you do have some enemies.  If that is the case, then today’s verse has very clear instructions for you.  Love and pray.  My suggestion is that these very clear instructions apply to all of us, whether we can identify any enemies or not.  Love and pray.  Maybe by obeying this simple (but not easy) command, God will smooth out some of my many rough edges.

Journal Prompts

Today, write out a prayer to God for one (or more) of your sandpaper people.  Ask God to help you see that person through His eyes.  Ask Him to teach you whatever you need to learn about His love.

How can your actions today show God that you are grateful for His love and forgiveness even when you were behaving like His enemy?

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