
Choosing God’s Path

How has a path of this world led you astray?

Verse of the Day

‘Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those paths sinners stumble and fall.’

Hosea 14:9

Today’s Devotional

This is the final verse of the book of Hosea.  For those who are not familiar with this Old Testament book.  Let me give you a bit of a summary from crosswalk.com:

The prophet Hosea was called by God to minister to the Northern Kingdom of Israel from around 755 B.C. to 710 B.C., a ministry that lasted during the reign of Israel’s last seven kings leading up to the Assyrian invasion and destruction of the Northern Kingdom in 722 B.C. Historically, Hosea would have been the younger contemporary of the prophet Amos and ministered around the same time of Isaiah and Micah, who were hard at work ministering to the Southern Kingdom in Judah. As you might expect, the author of the book of Hosea is Hosea himself. 

The most noteworthy thing we learn about Hosea early on is that he was called by God to marry a woman named Gomer, who Scripture says was either a prostitute before they got married or would become a prostitute at some point later on (Hosea 1:2). Unfortunately for Hosea, she would also continue in that profession and later leave Hosea altogether, becoming enslaved by one of her many lovers. Hosea would eventually, however, buy her back as his bride, reflecting the redeeming nature of God’s love for Israel, His bride, who He would also work to buy back (Hosea 3).”

I am a huge fan of word pictures, parables, and object lessons.  There is something about them that solidifies a teaching in my brain and helps me to understand.  The object lesson in the book of Hosea is that we, the people of God, are incredibly unfaithful to the God who loves us.  It’s painful, but it’s true. The rest of this lesson is that God will not ever cease to pursue us, no matter how unfaithful we are to Him. There is nothing we can do that will ever stop God from loving us.

Going back to today’s verse, the moral of the story is that God’s way is better.  If we are wise and discerning about ANYTHING in this life, then we will agree that God’s way of doing things is better for everyone.  We have been invited into relationship with the God of the universe, yet many of us still feel a pull to the “lovers” of this world: pride, money, pleasure, comfort, status, esteem, gluttony. But what do these “lovers” do for us?

In his book Managing Leadership Anxiety, Steve Cuss writes, “Sin kills. God gives life. I think for too many years we have mistakenly taught that God kills and God gives life, but this is not what Paul taught [in the book of Romans]. Paul wasn’t saying that God punishes us when we sin, he was saying that sin punishes us when we sin. The reason to not live in sin isn’t so much about disappointing God or angering God; the reason to avoid sin is to avoid sin’s price, which is always death. Sometimes sin causes literal death, but most often it kills something that we love- a relationship, our integrity, our ability to look someone in the eyes. Sin is always on the prowl looking for something to destroy. God is always in the life-giving business. We have a choice all the time: give ourselves to sin, which destroys, or give ourselves to God, who gives life.”

We can see clearly in hindsight that these things offer us nothing in comparison to what God offers us.  Today, let us pray for God’s wisdom and discernment to choose the path of God before us.  The other paths for our day will likely seem more attractive.  At the very least, those paths will be easier to see.  God’s paths will be true and right.  And we will LIVE by choosing God’s paths. Because God is always in the life-giving business.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How has a path of this world led you astray in the past?

How has God redeemed you despite your mistakes?

How can you choose God’s path for your day today?

How can you embrace what is true and right today?

Are you willing to ask God for help to see His path for you and for the courage to follow God’s path?

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