
Celebrating God’s Strength

How much do you praise God for His power?

Verse of the Day

‘O Sovereign Lord ! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you! ‘

Jeremiah 32:17

Today’s Devotional

As we are exploring the topic of strength, I need to confess something.  Finding verses in the Bible about God’s strength and power was one of the easiest tasks I have done for this website.  However, finding commentaries and resources that explain God’s strength and power are much harder to come by.  It’s as if the whole spiritual community is in complete agreement that God is powerful.  What more needs to be said?  I find this very difficult to fathom – that humans are in agreement and don’t have much to say on a given topic.

But what if it really is that simple?  God is strength.  God is power.  Full stop.

He made this world and everything in it.  Even the device you are reading on right now, He created the human brain that imagined it and the ability and resources to produce it.

If nothing is too hard for God and we believe in the sovereignty of God, then where do things go off the rails?

My guess?  Selfishness.

I want what I want when I want it.  So do you.  And sometimes this truth is hidden under a disguise of well meaning actions.

Nothing is too hard for God.  But God will not force His strength and power on us.  The beauty of this verse is that the author is celebrating the power and majesty of God.  Maybe we access God’s strength and power when we take the time to acknowledge and celebrate it.

My guess is that THAT is the simple truth of God’s strength and power. Until I stop to recognize God’s might, I am living in the delusion of my own power and abilities.  True human power comes from bowing before the God of heaven and then acting out of that submissive stance.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Do you believe the statement “Nothing is too hard for God”?  How do your actions and thoughts align with or contradict that belief?

How comfortable are you with acknowledging and celebrating God’s strength and power?

No matter your comfort level, how can you celebrate God’s power, strength, and glory today?

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