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What is Joy?
Joy. It’s a quality that I want in my life. But what is joy? In order to answer that question, I did some research. And the answers I found are all over the place.
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Joy. It’s a quality that I want in my life. But what is joy? In order to answer that question, I did some research. And the answers I found are all over the place.
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How often do you open up a map on your device and ask for directions? When I do this, there are often several different routes that all end up at the desired destination. Which route is best depends on the circumstances and my preferences. When I read today’s verse, I wish there was a way to know THE WAY, specifically, that God wantsRead More>>
Nehemiah had Ezra stand on a wooden platform and read aloud the book of the law to the people of Israel. There were Levites present who were “translating and giving meaning so that the people could understand what was read.” The reading of the law made the people weep,Read More>>