
Careful to Love

How do you care for your faith?

Verse of the Day

“So be very careful to love the Lord your God.”

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭23:11

Today’s Devotional

Joshua was old and about to die.  He had led the Israelite people for many years after serving under Moses for forty years.  So he had seen a lot.  He had seen God’s faithfulness, and he had seen human stubbornness, rebellion, apathy, and indifference.

One thing that stands out to me about the Israelites in this journey to the Promised Land is their consistent desire for things to be easier.  Maybe I see that in them because I see it so clearly in myself.  Left to my own devices, I would always choose the easier, softer way.

The Israelites were assuming control of a land where there were lots of distractions from the One True God.  There were other gods among the people, many of whom were “worshipped” in sexually impure ways.  It would require diligence on the part of God’s people to not be influenced by the ungodly behaviors of these people.

Well, I’m not moving into a new land full of orgy-having idol worshippers, but the land in which I live requires diligence to keep my eyes focused on Jesus.  I need to be careful to notice the sin of pride in my life, because pride is praised as essential in this culture.  I need to be careful not to fear the opinions of man, because this culture teaches me that everyone must approve of me in order for me to fit in.  I need to be careful to spend time with God, because this culture tells me that there are way more important things to do with my time than sit at the feet of Jesus.  I need to be careful to love others, because this culture tells me to look out for myself above everything.  I need to be careful to be truthful, because this culture tells me that lying is ok if no one gets hurt.  I need to be careful with my words, because this culture tells me that my voice and opinion matters even if it’s hurtful to others.  I need to be careful with how I let my emotions affect my behavior because this culture tells me that my emotions have value.  I’m sure the list could go on.  

Just to be clear, it’s WAY easier to just go with the flow of our culture.

So while I need to be very careful to guard and fuel my faith, I am still called to live in this world.  To be a light in the darkness.  To share and show the love of Jesus wherever I go. And If I’m going to be able to be a light and show love, I must be careful to love God and learn from Him in order to be equipped to live out my calling.

The only ways I know to “be very careful” to love God is: to consistently read my Bible and ask myself what He’s telling me today, to pray about everything all throughout the day, to be willing to see and repent when I notice that I’m wrong, to be grateful in every situation and to write all those things down, not just my gratitudes.  I’m also learning the art of silence, because I cannot hear the voice of God when my life is full of noise. And I need to have people in my life who are also trying put God first in their lives.

If I can consistently practice those things, then I can confidently go out and face this world in a way that will not distract me from God and will hopefully draw others to Him.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

In what areas of your life do you need to be more careful with your spiritual health?  

Which item(s) from the list of what our culture says do you struggle with most? 

What does God say to you today about that worldly message?

How can you be careful with your love for God today?

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