
Blessings of Endurance

Why do we need endurance?

Verse of the Day

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

James 1:12

Today’s Devotional

I just returned home from WalMart.  This is not my favorite place to go, but I needed some grocery items for dinner tonight.  As I was scanning my items to pay (which is the only option at this WalMart), there was a woman at the next register who was very frustrated.  She was muttering out loud about how frustrating the self-check registers are.  Then she asked for help from a store employee.  She wasn’t really rude to the employee, but she vented all of her frustrations to this employee.

I get it.  Lots of things in this life are frustrating.


As I listened to what was going on, and I had just left my house from writing about endurance, and knew I was returning home to continue to write about endurance, I asked God to help me to have the opposite spirit to frustration.

Then it happened…

Two things went wrong as I was scanning my items.  The first time, the employee was close by and came quickly to help me solve the issue.  The second time, there was no employee anywhere I could see.  So I had to wait.  While the light on my register was blinking its red light so effectively.  When I finally found an employee, I waved my hand in her direction.  “Be right there”, she said in an annoyed tone of voice.

At this point, I have a choice.  Because this was a test.  And a temptation.  I was tempted to respond to her annoyance in equal measure.  It was a test of whether or not I am willing to practice what I write.  No one’s behavior should have the power to dictate my words, tone, or actions.  We give people that power (or use it as an excuse).

So I said a little prayer and decided to have some fun.  I made fun of myself to this employee for making another mistake.  (I had charged myself for a much more expensive avocado than I was actually buying.)  I joked with her about how bad I am at being a checker.  I asked her about her day.  When she told another customer to behave himself as he was leaving, I said to her, “Wait! Do we have to behave now?”  She responded playfully, “Well, he does, but I’ll let you make that choice for yourself.”

Please hear me.  I am not comparing a trip to WalMart and its minor frustrations to bigger life challenges. What I am saying is that no matter our situation, we have a choice.  I walked to my car today feeling blessed that God showed me an example of putting His instructions into practice in a tangible way.

It’s a silly example, but the truth of this verse is real.  We are blessed when we choose endurance.  We are blessed when we choose to interact with God’s other kids in a way that honors Him.  The blessings may not be immediate, but they will come.

God promises blessing when we patiently endure the troubles of this world.  But the blessing only comes AFTER we have patient endurance.  I believe these blessings are both for our earthly life (like my happy heart as I was leaving WalMart), and also blessings in heaven.  Whether for today or forever, God’s blessings are something I long for.  Lord, help me to be a person of godly endurance.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What areas of testing and/or temptation are you currently experiencing?

What would it look like for you to have patient endurance in those areas?

If you are struggling, how can you ask God to help you have the opposite spirit to your current struggle?

How has God blessed you recently?  Do you need more of that?  How can you patiently endure what’s in front of you today?

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