Blessings During Conflict
Do your circumstances need to be peaceful to receive God’s blessings?
Verse of the Day
‘You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.’
Today’s Devotional
There is always potential for conflict in our lives. In the midst of this conflict, what do we do? According to David, the author of this psalm, we are invited to dine with God.
The beauty of this invitation does not escape me. The Lord has done all of the prep work. He does not just slap together a PB&J and throw it on a paper plate. (This describes my lunch most days.) God has prepared a feast for each of us. When I describe a meal as a “feast”, this description is reserved for times when there is an abundance. And not just an abundance of one item for the meal, there are many options, of all different varieties, and each dish is presented in large quantities. THAT is a feast. Which is exactly what God has prepared for us. I imagine that the “dishes” on the table include all of the wonderful attributes of God that we long for: His presence, His goodness, His kindness, His blessings, grace, mercy, love, joy, forgiveness, relationship, wholeness, identity, purpose. These are the kinds of things I imagine being served at this feast.
Notice that this feast is not reserved for a time of peace in our lives when all is going well. God has prepared this table of blessing in the presence of our enemies. Even during times when conflict is present, God is inviting us to join Him for a time of refreshing, safety, rest, and blessing. One commentary states, “The goodness and care suggested by the prepared table is set right in the midst of the presence of my enemies. The host’s care and concern doesn’t eliminate the presence of my enemies but enables the experience of God’s goodness and bounty even in their midst.”
As we accept this invitation to God’s table, He chooses to honor us. God honors us by anointing our heads with oil. I don’t know all of the history and significance of anointing, but my understanding is that this practice was used many times by a host, for his guests, as a sign of respect and welcome. The host would anoint the heads of his guests with oil to show how glad he was that they chose to join him for the occasion.
Is that what God is telling us here? Is God so delighted that we have joined Him at the feast He has prepared?
As we come to him, God blesses us to the point of overflowing. Our time with God is never barren. We receive what He has prepared for us, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, and we are blessed. Not just to fill ourselves up, but so that the blessings of God will fill our lives and overflow into the lives of others. That sounds like a feast I wouldn’t want to miss.
Journal Prompts
Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.
How have you seen God’s preparation in your life?
What enemies can you identify? (Some potential enemies might include fear, doubt, apathy, lies you’ve believed, insecurity, unworthiness, impatience…)
How can you accept God’s invitation to be with Him no matter what else you have going on?
How does God honor you? How has He honored you in the past?
How can you pour blessing into the life of another person today?