Jesus is Coming

Blessed By an Encouraging Friend

Are you an encourager?

Verse of the Day

“In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:42-43‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Today’s Devotional

This is Elizabeth speaking to Mary.  Elizabeth was Mary’s relative.  She was much older, and was pregnant with John the Baptist when Mary (now pregnant with Jesus) came to visit her.

Because God filled Elizabeth with the Holy Spirit (v. 41), she knew that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah.  She was excited and encouraging and also humbled.  That’s a great example.  And Mary was in a tough situation.  Pregnant out of wedlock with a story that no one would believe.  It must have been such a relief that Elizabeth understood.

This reminds me of the importance of having good people in my life who are going to be encouraging and filling me with God’s truth.  It also makes me ask myself if I am encouraging to others.  Am I willing to walk beside the people in my life as they are going through difficult things?

As Christians, we should be the first people to speak encouragement, blessings, and truth into the lives of those around us.  If we want others to know and feel the love of God, we need to be willing to pour God’s love out with our words and actions.  That’s what I see in Elizabeth’s example in today’s Scripture.  Mary must have felt so loved and accepted simply by Elizabeth’s greeting.

The other thing that stands out to me about Elizabeth’s words is her proclamation of Mary’s blessed status. The coming of our Savior was filled with controversy and difficulty for those involved, yet Elizabeth points out that Mary is “blessed among women” to be in the role she is in.  Sometimes, it is irritating when people point out what I have to be thankful for, especially when I’m in the middle of a difficult situation.  But…if I am willing to listen, then perhaps I can shift my perspective to the positive aspects of my life instead of focusing on the hardships.

Lastly, I noticed that Mary took the time to go visit her relative to celebrate the joy of her unexpected pregnancy.  Mary was in the middle of a controversy-filled, Holy Spirit-induced pregnancy, yet she still chose to take action to celebrate something joyful in Elizabeth’s life.  Both of these women are showing me great examples.  I can be an encourager.  I can find gratitude and help other people to see reasons to be grateful.  I can take action to celebrate with others.  As God molds each of us to become more like Jesus, perhaps these are some of the qualities we should practice.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

In the middle of a very difficult or uncomfortable situation, do you feel blessed?  

Do you trust that God is working for your good even through difficulties?  

How can you follow the example of Elizabeth and Mary and the parts they played in the life of Jesus?

Who can you encourage today?

How can you take action to celebrate with someone today?

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