Jesus is Coming

Are You The Righteousness of God?

Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:21

Today’s Devotional

Have you ever been accused of something you did not do? It does not feel good. 

But sometimes we really are guilty.  

Let’s pretend that the police show up at your door.  In their hands are search warrants and indictments for everything you have ever done wrong.  Including stuff that you didn’t even know the police could charge you for.  Speeding, driving without your seat belt, lying, slander, gossip, cheating on that test in 7th grade, jealousy, stealing a piece of gum as a child, lying, defamation of the character of others, cutting someone off in traffic, drinking under age, premarital sex, swiping cash from your mom’s wallet, not trusting God, fear, doubt, coveting, lying…it’s a long list.  But you know that you are guilty.  The police say that because the list is so long and that there is a pattern of wrongdoing, you will be arrested and charged as a major offender.  The maximum sentence is life without parole.

As you stand before the judge, you know you are guilty of everything on that list. Every single thing.

Then Jesus shows up.  He walks into the courtroom and stands right in front of you.  He is between you and the judge.  He says, without hesitation, “The person behind me is guilty of all charges.  But I will take her place.  You may charge me with each of her crimes.  I will take the punishment, for every single charge.  As a result, she must be set free.  All charges against her are to be dropped.  And every offense she commits in the future, I will assume responsibility for those as well.”

Just stop and think about that for a minute.  Jesus has done exactly that for every single human that believes in Him.  And His act allows you to become the righteousness of God.  Wait, what?  What does that even mean?

I believe you are the righteousness of God when you set down your will and seek God’s will.  When you pray for others.  When you love someone who acts unlovable.  When you are kind to the cashier.  When you let someone into your lane of traffic.  When you spread joy.  When you are grateful.  When you take your fears and doubts to God.  When you put the needs of others before your own.  When you make food for someone.  When you text a friend just to see how they are doing.  When you serve without needing recognition.  When you search Scripture for God’s truth.  

We are declared righteous before God by our belief in Jesus.  We now get to choose if we behave accordingly.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Jesus declares you “Not guilty”.  How do you give thanks for that? 

How can you be the righteousness of God today?  I know you probably don’t feel righteous.  But the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus says that you are.

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