
An Opportunity for Joy

Do you see how troubles can lead to a choice to run toward God or run away?

Verse of the Day

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-3

Today’s Devotional

In my opinion, there are two key words in this often quoted verse.  Those key words are “opportunity” and “chance”.

Why would troubles in my life create an opportunity for joy?  Because if I rely on God to help me, walk with me, and guide my decisions – it becomes an opportunity to see God move in my life.  When I see God moving, it reminds me to trust him.  And when I can truly live in a way where trusting God is my first response, there is joy.  There is joy and freedom in not having to be in control.  There is joy and freedom in knowing that Someone infinitely smarter than me is in control.  But opportunities can be seized, or they can be missed.  When I have troubles, do I become panicked, despondent, and “woe is me”?  Or do I seek God’s guidance and ask what I need to learn?

Think of a current situation in your life that you would consider to be “trouble”.  What opportunity do you see? In my life, I can see an opportunity for God to work in situations that I do not like (and cannot control).  I can see an opportunity to ask for God’s strength and guidance.  I can see an opportunity to find gratitude instead of gripes.  I can see an opportunity to trust in God’s timing instead of forcing my own will now.  These opportunities, which we must choose to seize, allow us to accept that God is in control. We are given the opportunity to choose to trust His will and timing.

Next, notice that the verse implies that troubles cause our faith to be tested.  Do I trust and allow myself to see God working?  Or do I doubt?  I am of the opinion that doubt is not spiritually fatal. God can handle my doubt.  But I need to bring my doubt about God TO God to allow him to prove himself to me.  Then my faith, which is being tested, will grow.  My endurance, which is my ability to continue to trust God in this broken world, has a CHANCE to grow. If I practice trusting God.  In my life, I have needed lots of practice.

Facing troubles with an unshakeable trust in God is a lofty goal.  But this verse tells me that I have the opportunity and the chance to do exactly that.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Can you look at how God has worked in your life in the past and see the joy in how he showed up? 

Is your faith stronger now than it was last year?  In what ways? 

Do you see how troubles can lead to a choice to run toward God or run away?  

Whatever your trouble is today, run to God.  Give him the chance to prove his love for you.  Seize the opportunity to build your faith by asking him to be with you and help you in whatever you are facing.

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