
An Example of SOAP

How can you practice using the Bible as a weapon in your life?

Verse of the Day

“Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given —and you will receive even more.”

Mark 4:24

Today’s Devotional

Yesterday I introduced you to the SOAP method for studying and engaging the Bible.  Today, I am going to let you peek behind the curtain at how I use this method.  I don’t use this everyday, but I use these principles in my daily time with God’s Word.  My hope is to encourage each of us to be “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.” And to “take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6: 10-11, 17)


I chose Mark 4: 21-25 because it was part of my actual Bible study this morning.

‘Then Jesus asked them, “Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light will shine. For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.” Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given —and you will receive even more. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.”’


When I started reading the book of Mark, I looked up who wrote the book.  I honestly thought that Mark was one of the twelve apostles.  But he’s not.  The author of this book is thought to be John Mark, who is mentioned several times in the book of Acts.  He was a companion of Barnabas and Paul and several others in the early church.  Some people believe that much of this gospel book was written based on oral teaching from the apostle Peter given directly to Mark.  (Or at least that’s what I found from an internet search.)  The audience isn’t directly cited, but people smarter than me say that this gospel was likely written for a Roman Gentile audience who wanted to know more about Jesus.

The first thing that stands out to me is where Jesus tells me to pay close attention to what I hear.  Jesus tells me directly to be a good listener to His teachings.

The other thing that stands out to me is the thought of hiding a light under a basket.  Why would anyone do that, other than to keep the light only for themselves, or because they were somehow embarrassed of the light?


I need to be a better listener to God’s instruction.  When something stands out to me from the Word or from a lesson, I need to write it down.  I tend to only remember things that I write down.

Is there ever a time when I am embarrassed about my faith in God?  Do I ever hide it or downplay it because I am afraid of what others might think of me?  God’s Word and His love for everyone is a Light in this dark world and I should never be afraid to share that with anyone.

The promise here is that I will be given understanding if I am listening and paying attention.


God, I humbly ask that you help me to pay close attention to every Word that you have for me. Please teach me to hear You, to recognize Your voice, to really listen, to honor Your voice above all others, and to obey.

Help me to be willing to share Your love with others.  Help me to be a beacon of Your love in this world.  Give me the courage to never be ashamed of my faith in You.

That’s it.  That’s an example of how I use SOAP.  Now it’s your turn.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Try using SOAP for yourself today.

How can you pay close attention to what God is saying to you?

How would using this method of Bible study help you?

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