
Agreeing With God

Do you agree with God?

Verse of the Day

“Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. You will be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just.”

Psalms 51:4

Today’s Devotional

Have you ever been in a relationship where there is very little agreement?  Where every issue, opinion, and decision there is no harmony?  Those relationships are very difficult.

On the other hand, when you are in a relationship where agreement comes easy, aren’t those the relationships you are drawn to?

There is renewal when there is unity in our relationships.  Unity does not mean we all have the same opinions or see everything from the same perspective.  Unity happens when we agree about things on a higher level than our current circumstances.  For instance, you and I could strongly disagree about which football team we want to win this weekend, which would be our current circumstance, but the higher level truth upon which we agree is the value of our friendship.  Thus, even when we don’t agree on this issue, there is unity.

This same logic is true in our relationship with God.  It’s easy to say that we agree with God when things are going well in our life.  But when things are difficult, do we look at the higher level and trust that God is God and has a plan, thus agreeing with Him and being in unity with the Father?

What happens when we add sin into our relationship with our holy God?  How do we agree with God then?

We agree with God through confession, which David models so well in today’s verse.  Renewal comes when we get real with God (and ourselves) about where we have been wrong, done wrong, had wrong patterns of thinking, and not behaved in our Maker’s image.

Today, I have more questions than answers. After reading this verse and looking for wisdom from Bible scholars who know so much more than I do, I have questions about my habits of confession or lack thereof.

*Do I grieve over any and all sins that I have committed, or do I merely grieve over the consequences of my sin?

*Do I see and judge the sins of others easily instead of being willing to look at my own life searching for the ways that I have wronged my loving Father?

*David owned his sin without making excuses.  Do I do the same, or am I quick to rationalize, blame, and make excuses?

*When I have sinned in a way that hurts others, am I more concerned with reconciling with that person (or people) than with God?

*David says that all of this evil was done in the sight of God. Do I recognize that God is with me even in the places where I wish I was hidden from him?

*Do I realize that the act of humble confession brings glory to God?  Do I see that my confession confirms God’s justice and holy character?

We would do well to learn from David about the power of humble confession before God.  We will gain renewal by agreeing with God on all occasions, because He is perfect and He is the source of all good things. Let’s close today with two more verses.

“People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

“But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” 1 John 1:9

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Go through the questions above and have an honest conversation with God.

Have you seen renewal in your life from confession, either with God or with others?

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