
Active Gratitude

What does gratitude actually look like in action?

Verse of the Day

“Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?””

Luke 17:17-18

Today’s Devotional

As Jesus was traveling between towns, He came across a group of ten lepers.  These men were outcasts from society because of the potential to spread their disease.  The lepers cried out to Jesus to heal them.  He told them to go show themselves to the priests.  This assignment was a strange one, because lepers were not allowed to enter the town, much less the temple.  But they obeyed the instructions they were given, even though it did not make sense.  As they walked in obedience toward the temple, they were healed.

That would be a pretty big deal, right?

But only one of the ten men came back to Jesus to thank Him and give glory to God.

It’s pretty easy to shake our heads and criticize the other nine guys.  Do you know what I see?  I see that Jesus noticed who took the time to say “thank you” and who did not.

I want Jesus to get tired of hearing my gratitude.  But there are so many things in my life that I forget to thank Him for.  Just like the men healed of leprosy.

Let’s take this a step further.  My daughter needed a different car for Colorado.  Her car that was just fine for Texas did not have four wheel drive or several other features that would keep her safe driving on the snow and ice in Colorado.  So we did what we needed to do in order to be able to get her a different car.  

We went to visit her over the summer.  Her car was really messy.  There was trash and clothing and (so many) water bottles in her car.  Now please hear me, I don’t really care about how she keeps her car.  But…. wouldn’t it be tangible, actionable gratitude for her to take really good care of the car we bought for her?

That led me to ask myself if I take good care of the gifts God has given me.  He gave me a healthy, functioning body.  Do I care for it well?  (The answer to that is no.)  He gave me a wonderful husband.  Do I care for him well and tend to our relationship with gratitude or obligation?  If every single good thing in my life came from God (Psalm 16:2), then I should not only be speaking (and writing) my gratitude to God, I should be putting my thankfulness into action by caring for the things I have been given.

Today’s Gratitude Challenge:  What is an item that you own (or have access to use) for which you are grateful?

“In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use.” (2 Timothy 2:20)

We have items in our home that make our lives easier.  I was just able to purchase and use a vegetable chopper because I really don’t like chopping onions.  Last night I made a new soup recipe, and I was so stinking grateful for my new chopper.

I am grateful for a car to drive wherever I need to go, but I can’t think of the last time I said “thank you” to God for my car.

I love the fact that my computer is a laptop so that I can work wherever I choose.  Again, I don’t think I’ve ever said “thank you” to God for the provision to be able to buy an item that increases my convenience and flexibility.

For today, let’s choose to act like the one leper that took the time to come to Jesus to thank Him.  And when we catch ourselves behaving like one of the nine, let’s correct it quickly.  I really don’t want Jesus to notice my lack of gratitude.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

What have you never taken the time to thank God for? Take the time to think about that and thank Him now for those things.

How can you put your gratitude into action?  What do you need to take better care of in your life as a show of gratitude to God?

What is an item that you own (or have access to use) for which you are grateful? Why are you grateful for that?

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