
A Life of Trust

How is your trust different today than it was?

Verse of the Day

‘Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. ‘

Psalms 62:8

Today’s Devotional

We are concluding a series of verses about trust.  What a great thing to study!  And I can think of no better verse to end on.  We are called to trust at all times.  When things are going well, it is easy to trust.  When things are scary, uncertain, unknown, or confusing, we are still called to trust.

It is so beautiful to me that the Word of God encourages me to pour out my heart to Him.  He actually wants me to bring it all to Him.  The only way for the fear and uncertainty to calm down is to bring them into the Light.  This is one of the joys of journaling.  I used to think that I was whining to God.  And maybe sometimes I still am whining.  But God already knows all of my concerns, struggles and fears.  So it seems to be more authentic for me to just be honest with God about everything.  I have nothing to hide from God.  He already sees and knows it all.  When I can finally get honest and raw about everything, then my heart is in the right position to see things from His point of view.

Many times, when I have poured out my heart to God, I follow that with statements of trust.  In fact, this last few weeks of studying trust has changed the way I pray.  Now instead of saying, “God, I need your help with this” I now say, “God, I need your help with this and I trust you to show me what to do.”  It has been a difficult change to force myself to declare my trust in God with every prayer.  But He has never let me down.  And I need lots of reminders to trust.  It’s just too easy to worry.

I read this in an online devotional last week: “Do we trust that God is who He says He is? That He has our best interests at heart? That He will provide for our needs? Or will we let worry—a mindset of scarcity and fear—run the show? Fear breeds fear. Worry compounds worry. But trust? It paves the way for peace and freedom and joy and hope. And this is where God loves to break through.” I pray that my trust will continue to grow.  I pray that I will choose to trust instead of worrying or giving in to fear.  I pray that my trust breeds peace, freedom, joy and hope.  I pray for a breakthrough.

As we conclude our study of trust, let’s remind ourselves what trust means. Below are some of my conclusions from our month of studying trust:

  • Trust means declaring my trust in God with no “but”.
  • Trust is a choice.
  • Trust means inviting God to lead your day and your life.
  • Trust means living from the perspective of God’s unfailing love for me.
  • My peace is in direct proportion to my trust.
  • Trust means declaring who God is in my life.  Learning to trust means I need to renew my mind.
  • Trust means removing any and all false gods from my life, including myself.
  • The better I know God, the more I will trust Him.
  • Learning to trust includes learning to speak truth over myself about who God is.  Out loud.
  • Trust means going to God for protection and choosing obedience.
  • Trust means choosing to not dread anything.  God can and will use any situation for His glory and my good.
  • Trust means: feeding my soul when times are good, choosing things that nourish my faith, not withering at the first sign of difficult, choosing to not worry, and being fruitful even in hard times.
  • When things are hard, trusting means focusing on my belief in God.
  • Trust means actively waiting on God.
  • Trust means letting go of control.
  • Trust means doing good, befriending faithfulness and delighting in God.
  • Trust means seeing God as my source of strength and protection.
  • Trust means not worrying.  In order not to worry, we must pray, tell God what we need, and be grateful.
  • Trust means praying for things that please God.
  • Trust means only seeking God’s approval, not anyone else’s.
  • Trusting means you are surrounded by God’s unfailing love, whether you feel it or not.
  • Trust means being selfless.
  • Trust means seeking wisdom and not my own insight about myself.
  • Trust means being teachable.
  • Trust means asking God to let us hear from Him how much He loves us, and asking how to walk in that love.
  • Trust means knowing that God never leaves us to go through difficulties without Him.
  • Trust means being incapable of worry and knowing my value in God’s eyes.
  • Trust means knowing that God is with you, helping you and holding you.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How has your trust changed or grown in the last couple of weeks?  Pour out your heart to God today, because He asked you to.  How can you trust that God is truly your refuge and that he can handle all of your mess?

Challenge Statement

Look back over the last month and see what you’ve written.  Has anything changed?  Has your trust (or lack thereof) been challenged? This is the power of keeping a journal. 

Can you look back and see God working in your mind and heart? We would love for you to leave a comment below if this process is helping you.  Or if you have questions.  We would also love for you to share this site on your social media to invite others to join us.  If we, as believers, could learn to live a life of active, ALL IN trust, who knows what God would do through us?

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