
A Joyful God

Do you picture God as being joyful?

Verse of the Day

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.””

‭‭Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬

Today’s Devotional

When I was a kid, my older sister had a friend who was the nicest person I had ever been around.  She seemed to emit kindness and joy from her pores.  Just being around her made me want those qualities for myself.  I remember specifically praying that God would make me more like Corene.  Little did I know what I would have to live through for God to answer that prayer.

Here’s what I know.  God delights in us.  God rejoices over us with joyful songs.  I know these things because the Bible says so.  What was true of God thousands of years ago is true of God today.   

As I watch my niece mother her two small children, I see her sing to them.  There is such love and tenderness as she does this.  I imagine that God’s love and tenderness for us is even better.  So what do those joyful songs sound like? For me, the joyful songs of God are the birds singing, the rain falling, the heartbeat of my husband and the laughter that comes from family and friends.  But if my focus is off, those songs can easily be missed.  Or they can be annoying.

If God can delight in me, give me His Presence, love me, calm me and rejoice over me in the middle of my messy life, then how can I not find things to be grateful for – even in the mess?

And if being around joyful people makes me more joyful, then maybe I should spend more time with God – the Source of all true joy.  I will admit that on some days, and in some seasons, it is harder to summon the joy.  Maybe on those days I need to focus on God’s love.  Or His delight.  Or that He says He calms my fears.  Maybe I just need to be still and quiet so that I can listen.  Maybe when I do that, He will allow me to hear His joyful songs that He is singing over me.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

Do you picture God as being joyful? 

What do you consider the joyful songs of God in your life?  Thank Him for that. 

Today, ask Him to help you notice His delight in you and the joyful songs He is singing over you.

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