Holy Habits / Solitude

A Different Kind of Solitude

Can we experience solitude in any setting?

Verse of the Day

‘But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever.’

Psalms 146:5-6

Today’s Devotional

I recently had the experience of scuba diving again after a three year hiatus from diving.  For me, being under the water with God’s creation is absolutely mesmerizing.  My first dive was not my best experience.  I was nervous and uncomfortable, which is pretty out of character for me.  But I was out of practice.  My second dive and the ones that followed were pure bliss.  I thought of the discipline of solitude and realized that delighting in God’s creation is a way to practice solitude.  I praised Him for the coral, the fish, the diversity, the colors, and the joy of getting to witness these things.  It was magical. It was a celebration of gratitude and praise for God’s majesty. The picture above is from one of our dives. Man’s technology doesn’t even come close to being able to capture the beauty and glory of God’s handiwork.

Let’s take a minute to look at what we have covered this week. We spent some time looking at peace and how God’s peace can be accessed and received in our times of solitude.

  • In solitude and silence, we have the opportunity to listen carefully to whatever God is saying to us.
  • If we listen carefully to what God is saying by seeking him first, then he will speak peace to those who are faithful in doing that.
  • My hope for today is dependent on my accurate perception of reality.  I can get this accurate perception during my times of solitude before God. Hope for today comes from looking at God’s faithfulness yesterday.
  • As I lean in to God, he is washing me clean through the blood of Jesus and setting me apart for HIS purpose.  Not mine.  And this cleansing is not just a partial cleaning, like just washing your hands.  It is an immersive, full body-mind-soul cleansing.  This kind of change takes time alone with God. 
  • The peace of God is always available to me through faith in Jesus, but I have to take my eyes off of my circumstances and turn them back to Jesus for me to experience His Peace.  The more I do that, the more peace I will have.
  • We can become confident in the hopes of our faith as we experience them and give God the credit that is due Him. Our confidence in God grows as our faith grows.
  • God is the Lord of peace.  A lord is one who has power and authority over something.  Therefore God has power and authority over peace.  He doles it out.  It comes from him.  So any time you have had peace about something, that peace came directly from God.
  • No matter what I am facing, peace is always available.  If I choose to accept it.  If I choose to focus on God and my trust in him.  And why do we trust him?  Because the Lord is always with us.  Whether I feel that or not.

Just like my experience when I was scuba diving, we each have different activities that lend themselves to practicing solitude.  My mom likes to work in her yard.  Her plants are reminders to her of God’s creation power.  Take some time to think about what you can do to cultivate solitude.  Then do those activities with a heart that is seeking God’s nearness and goodness in the midst of whatever you are doing.  God will be found when He is sought.  We have the ability to seek Him no matter what we are doing.

Journal Prompts

Answer only the questions that seem relevant to you today.

How’s your peace?

What activity can you do that cultivates solitude?

How often do you “hear” God? Is it a nudge? Is it a thought that doesn’t come from you? Are you obedient to the things God is telling you or asking of you?

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